Unlocking The Vault /Reflections/Day 037 - On The Power Of Direction Vs. Goals Alone

Day 037 - On The Power Of Direction Vs. Goals Alone

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Goals are good things to have. 

In fact, statistically speaking, nearly all top performers in every field have goals.

But there’s a big difference between focusing on the goal itself vs. focusing your mind on the direction you want to travel. 

When you focus on the goal you’re focusing on a fixed point or a specific achievement. 

But once you reach that goal then what?  

If your goal is to make a million dollars and you make it then what? 

If it’s to have kids and then you have them, then what? 

If it’s to get the raise, the promotion, the corner office, and you get them, then what? 

Occasionally the brain will start to think of what’s next, you’ll set another goal, and then you’ll start working towards that goal. 

You get a bit of momentary joy from reaching the goal, but you then have to get back to work on achieving the next goal.

For some, this is what drives them to succeed, but the question that has to be asked is - are they happy in the process? Most that I know, aren’t. 

When you set direction however, any progress in the right direction can be celebrated and enjoyed. You become addicted to progress as each step in the right direction is another step in the right direction. 

You reach goals along the way, but instead of them being subtle moments of joy, they become momentum that’s added to your direction and progress. Each one building upon the last. 

And to share a real life example, I realized this morning that I’d neglected to record a video yesterday. 

I’m committed to recording a video a day and I missed it. But, that’s not the direction. 

The direction is becoming a content creator who creates on a daily basis. So I took the feedback I received from not recording, made a couple of adaptations to prevent that from happening again and made another iteration in the right direction again today. 

Instead of beating myself up, I used it to gain momentum. 

If I was only focused on the goal, I don’t believe that would have happened.

​So what are you working towards? A specific goal or a direction?

Death - Before - Dishonor

To your success,


​P.S. If you’d like to share your reflections with me, feel free to email me at reflections@mindvaultllc.com as I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts. This email goes directly to me and is reserved only for those who read these Reflections.

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