Unlocking The Vault /Reflections/Day 041 - On Analytics and Measurement

Day 041 - On Analytics and Measurement

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Today, I read a quote from Ben Franklin that really got my wheels turning… 

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, and success have no meaning.” - Ben Franklin 

If that’s the case, what prevents us from continual growth and progress. 

Is it a lack of determination and persistence? 

Is it a lack of clarity on the steps that need to be taken in order to grow and progress? 

Or, is it an overall lack of willingness to put in the work? 

Unfortunately, if we’re honest with ourselves 9 times out of 10 it’s a lack of willingness to put in the work. 

Yes, continual growth and progress require determination and persistence. And, yes, it also requires clarity on the steps that need to be taken. 

But, those things aren’t really that hard to find if you search hard enough. 

For instance, I used to work for a CRM company that could provide highly in-depth analytics on what caused a win or a loss within a sales process.   

With a simple study of the analytics a company could devise a plan consisting of a monthly review of the metrics that would, within a 6 to 12 month period of time, eliminate 90% of their pipeline issues, and provide a clear path for both training and coaching that would provide continual growth and progress. 

Now, that strategy has been shared with countless companies and consultants, but how many of them do you think actually followed through. It’s simple in theory, but difficult in practice.

Not because it’s hard to do, but because it requires work. 

In a way, I’m calling these companies out, but really I’m not. We’re all guilty of it at some point. 

The solution — always remember that “without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, and success have no meaning”. 

​If you want improvement and success you must find a way to make continual growth and progress. The question is, will you? 

Death - Before - Dishonor

To your success,


​P.S. If you’d like to share your reflections with me, feel free to email me at reflections@mindvaultllc.com as I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts. This email goes directly to me and is reserved only for those who read these Reflections.

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