Unlocking The Vault /Reflections/Day 056 - On Leveraging Travel

Day 056 - On Leveraging Travel

Sunday, February 25, 2024

How well do you feel you leverage the down time you experience while traveling.

I’m on a business trip at the moment and since I arrived at the airport I’ve recorded 16 short form videos, watched a 2hr 34min movie and written seven of these Reflections emails.

And just to be clear, I’m not sharing that to impress you.

As Tony Robbins would say, I’m sharing that to impress upon you the power of leveraging the down time you experience when you travel.

Sure there will be distractions.

And, yes! I could have gotten even more done if I’d skipped the movie and just kept writing.

But, it’s a great way to leverage your time, and time is the one thing we never get back.

It’s tempting to use the flight time to relax. To do as 90-95% of people on the plane do and play a game on your phone, read a pointless magazine, etc

But it’s also a great opportunity to get stuff done.

And, if you’re like me, and want to make every second count, it’s a great way to put our success philosophy into play.

Here’s a few ways you can think about it:

  • ​Direct your mind before you even leave for the airport and ask yourself what you’ll accomplish while you wait for your flight?
  • Ask yourself what you’ll accomplish while you’re in the air?
  • What are the alternative or real time adaptations you’ll make if your electronics have an issue or the person next to you wants to chat you up?
  • What are the scenarios where you’ll permit yourself to take a nap, read a book, write an article, craft a social post, or even watch a movie (for me it’s if it’s one my wife and daughter wouldn’t care to watch with me and I’ve already accomplish a major task like recording 16 videos before hopping on the plane).

These are just a few ways you can reflect and think about new ways to leverage your travel. And then, direct, adapt, and iterate.

How will you change your travel regime the next time you go somewhere?

Death - Before - Dishonor

To your success,


​P.S. If you’d like to share your reflections with me, feel free to email me at reflections@mindvaultllc.com as I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts. This email goes directly to me and is reserved only for those who read these Reflections.

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