Tuesday, March 19, 2024
How often do you consider the etymology of a word?
Etymology is the study of the origins of words, and it can be a very revealing exercise.
Take the following words from the DAI Success Philosophy for instance.
We start with the Prime Directive.
The word Prime comes from the Latin word prim which means first.
The word Directive has its roots in two Latin words. It comes from Medieval Latin directivus, from direct-. As well as the past-participle stem of Latin dirigere “to set straight”. The modern view of Directive is "pointing out the proper direction." It is also known as "a general instruction on how to proceed or act."
Combining the two, Prime Directive is the first or top priority. It is about how to proceed or act and points out the proper direction.
Next is Direct.
The word Direct is similar to Directive and means "to point or make known a course to.” It has its roots from Latin directus past participle of dirigere. It means "set straight, arrange; give a particular direction to, send in a straight line; guide". It comes from dis- "apart" + regere "to direct, to guide, keep straight".
So you first establish your Prime Directive, your top priority to guide you on how to proceed or act. You can then Direct your mind, and point or make known the course you need to take. And, by directing your mind, you send it in a straight line, guide it, and keep it straight.
You then Adapt.
The word Adapt means “to undergo modifications to fit new circumstances”. It comes from Latin adaptare which means “adjust, fit to” from ad “to” + aptare “to join”, from aptus “fitted”.
As you work your way through life, you’re bound to come across changes in circumstances. With your Prime Directive set you can Direct your mind in the direction you want to move. You can then Adapt and undergo modifications to fit new circumstances as they arise.
Next you must Iterate.
Iterations is “to do again, or repeat”. It comes from Latin iterationem (nominative iteratio) "a repetition,". It’s a noun of action from past-participle stem of iterare "do again, repeat," from iterum "again,".
As you adapt and make changes, deciding if you're on track will require iteration. You will need to use what you've learned. You will need to take repeated action to prove the adaptation was correct. And as the loop repeats, you will demonstrate that you're back in line with your Prime Directive, Direct, Adapt, and Iterate.
The last thing you have to do is Decide.
Decide comes from the Latin of “decidire” which is formed from “de-” (which means “out”), and “caedere” (to “cut”). When you make a decision it literally means to cut off from all other possibilities.
You have to ask yourself the question and then cut yourself off from all other possibilities.
You have to decide if you will be successful?
Success means achieving what is intended or desired. Which comes from success from Latin successus "an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome".
It’s the noun use of past participle of succedere "come after, follow after; go near to; come under; take the place of.” Also "go from under, mount up, ascend," hence "get on well, prosper, be victorious."
You have to decide if you will embrace the philosophy?
Philosophy means "love of knowledge, pursuit of wisdom; systematic investigation". From Latin philosophia, philo-"loving" + sophia "knowledge, wisdom," from sophis "wise, learned.”
Will you decide and cut off from all other possibilities you advance on closing the gap? On going from where you are now to your happy outcome or desired result? And will you do so with a love of knowledge, pursuit of wisdom, and systematic investigation?
Will you decide to embrace the Mind Vault Success Philosophy of D.A.I. and Direct, Adapt, and Iterate?
Death - Before - Dishonor
To your success,
P.S. If you’d like to share your reflections with me, feel free to email me at reflections@mindvaultllc.com as I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts. This email goes directly to me and is reserved only for those who read these Reflections.
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